How to Prepare for Winter Powercuts

EcoFlow DELTA lifestyle

There are approximately 80 power cuts every day in the UK. 

The National Grid also warned earlier this month that we can expect to see an increase in the number of power cuts this year, too, as a result of the continued energy crisis and key suppliers folding. 

Often, a power cut is just a minor inconvenience, but with winter fast approaching, is it worth the risk? At Hampshire Generators we can get you prepared for this winter’s powercuts.  

Keep A Spare Phone

This seems like a simple one but a tip that’s always overlooked. During a power cut, you’ll likely drain the battery on your phone, tablet or laptop to entertain yourself. But don’t forget to keep an emergency phone as a backup. 

This phone shouldn’t run off mains supply and we’d recommend keeping any urgent contacts pre-loaded. An old brick-phone that will keep its charge well will do perfectly. 

Use A Residential Backup Generator

Consider investing in a portable diesel generator that is powered on fuel. Even though you would need a supply of diesel on standby, it’s ideal for making sure you can keep the lights on in an emergency situation. Make sure the fuel is kept in a well-ventilated area away from your home, though. 

Whenever a power cut occurs, your generator can automatically switch on to mitigate any outages. This is particularly ideal for households that have a loft of food stored in fridges and freezers. Alternatively, if you’re now working from home or rely on electricity, it may be worth considering a backup to ensure you can keep going, even in the event of a power cut. 

Make Use Of Your Camping Equipment

If a whole-house backup generator is not suitable for you, then consider a rechargeable portable power station, like an ecoflow generator that you may use for camping. This will be enough to charge personal items, boil the kettle and run the essentials.  

Take advantage of any lanterns, torches or camping gas stoves you may have in your camping kit. You’ll save the charge on your generators or charging banks and might make a power cut a little more comfortable with a cup of tea. 

Prepare & Check Food Supplies 

When preparing for powercuts this winter, check your food stocks. Make sure you have a lot of non-perishables in. We recommend keeping this food stored away from your normal pantry, just to prevent yourselves dipping into it. 

If you do have a gas stove (either camping or regular) then you’ve got loads of options, i.e. tinned soups, baked beans and so much more. However, if you don’t have a gas stove, make sure you have things like crackers, protein and cereal bars, canned veg and fruit, nuts, peanut butter, juice and long life milk. As a precautionary, keep bottled water on hand, too. 

At the end of a power outage, make sure you check and replenish any stocks you’ve used. Also make sure you check to see if any of your freezer food has defrosted. If it’s begun to melt, unfortunately, it will need to be thrown away. Dairy products will also need to be handled safely. 

After the Winter Powercut

After the relief of the power coming back on, it’s important to prepare for your next outage – charge up your generators, devices, torches and any vital appliances that you will need.

To successfully power your appliances and essential devices, invest in a portable generator. At Hampshire Generators, we supply a range of different models and makes to ensure that you get the best efficient solution for your home and power cuts. For more information, contact us on 01329 722390 or email us at [email protected].

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