Why do you need a generator for camping this summer

couple enjoying their time camping with a camping generator

Summer is here, so you might be looking forward to getting out in the elements. Contrary to popular belief, portable generators are not just used on work sites or in the case of backup emergency power due to blackouts. Portable generators are also the perfect solution for camping because they offer a reliable, efficient and cost-effective power source while on the go.

Due to ongoing travel restrictions as a result of COVID, camping in the UK has become an extremely desired holiday alternative in recent years. But in order to have an enjoyable time this summer, investing in a portable camping generator to take with you is an absolute must. But which portable generator is ideal to use for camping and why?

How can a portable generator help while camping?

While part of the fun when camping might be the detachment from technology, forced to rely on natural means to create your own sources of light and warmth, in some cases, you might want the convenience and ease electricity provides.

A portable camping generator will give you the ability to charge your devices, use non-battery lights, cooking appliances, refrigerators and much more.

What portable generator is the best for camping?

When looking at getting a portable generator to use for camping, it’s important to consider its size, power level, and noise, as each factor can be incredibly decisive in how effective it is for camping.


Unlike much larger standby generators installed in place more permanently, as the name suggests, a portable generator is straightforward to use on the move and can be set up quickly. With that being said, portable generators still vary widely in their size. 

The smaller the device is, the easier it will be to move around the campsite to power your technology. It will also take up less room in storage when in transit. However, you don’t necessarily want to choose the smallest option as a generator’s size is typically correlated with how much power it can output.

Power Output

When deciding which size will be sufficient for your power needs, you must first assess how much power you will need camping. The best way to do this is to inspect the appliances you plan on bringing and add up the watts (listed on the item’s label) to ensure the camping generator you’re looking at has enough output to sustain your power demands.

Generators are measured in kilowatts, so you’ll need to divide the total watt value by 1000. For example, if your total is 3,000 watts, that will be 3 kilowatts, and you will require a portable generator above 3kW to run your devices effectively and safely. Another consideration regarding power output is how many outlets the generator has to ensure you can operate all the electronics you need at once.

Noise levels

When using a generator for your camping getaway, you need to make sure you are being considerate of your camping neighbours and the wildlife you are staying within. Generators are by no means silent, and due to their loud noise when in use, you may cause disruption to your surroundings. 

With the latest innovations, utilising modern technology to minimise noise levels. Certain models of portable generators are specifically designed to produce a quieter hum. The trade-off for this is usually smaller internal parts meaning a reduced power output.

When using a generator for your camping getaway, you need to make sure you are being considerate of your camping neighbours and the wildlife you are staying within. Generators are by no means silent, and due to their loud noise when in use, you may cause disruption to your surroundings. 

With the latest innovations, utilising modern technology to minimise noise levels. Certain models of portable generators are specifically designed to produce a quieter hum. The trade-off for this is usually smaller internal parts meaning a reduced power output.

Get your Camping Generator Today

You need to weigh up a good balance between the factors stated to make sure your camping generator fits your needs. There are many models of camping generators that’ll add a whole new level of comfort and security to your camping experience. We have a range of portable generators to choose from that can run campsite essentials.

If you require a generator for camping in the UK this summer, get in touch with a member of the team, and we’ll be able to assist you in choosing one that will suit your requirements.

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